Good Lord is it that time already? We’d better round up some of the biggest and best nuggets of goodness that Jalapeno have released over the course of the year.
A bit like the John Lewis ad but at a much more appropriate date it’s basically a smoke signal from us to say we’ve packed up for another year.
Volume 14’s bumper crop include highlights from The Allergies and Izo FitzRoy who both had outstanding years, Singles and album cuts from the incredible and just released new Smoove & Turrell album “Red Ellen” and the return of Skeewiff not to mention a couple of highlights from new kid on the block - Sam Redmore’s debut.
There is also some brand new goodness from Wolfgang Valbrun as well as a debut (for Jalapeno) from Mike Keat of The Cuban Brothers and a taste of the brand new Flevans album due for 2024.
Jalapeno Funk – making that special time of year just about funking bearable.