In advance of their new album, BBC 6 Music A Listers The Allergies are back with late night heartbreaks and beats on this, the latest track from their forthcoming blues-flavoured Reconcile EP.
To tell the tale of one man’s passionate last chance plea to his old lady, they deftly cut up snatches of crackly old school Chicago blues samples. Working in tough, shuffling drums, and chopped up electric guitars, they deliver a poignant sucker punch to the funky melancholy over some beautifully bittersweet beats.
Swirling ambient FX, wind and thunder swell over the rumbling bass loops as the dejected Blues Hall-of-Famer The Allergies sampled for vocals, promises to his soul mate that he can change. But, can he?
One for the lonely souls, this. A soundtrack to love and loss. And a rare but exquisite downbeat turn from the usually party-starting Allergies outfit.
More The Allergies